Friday, May 8, 2015

22nd Day of Zero Carb

Last weekend was the worst for me. I overly imbibed on Saturday night. (Lots of mixed drinks.) Plus, the next day, I wound up eating a sandwich at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. (Yeah, not very bright of me. Oy!) However, I was able to jump back into zero carb on the next meal and came back swinging this week. And here I am on Day 22. I have had no headaches or joint pain, but I do feel tired this afternoon. Breakfast and lunch were awesome as always. I think mainly because it's a quiet Friday afternoon and not as busy, my boredom sets in. I thought this would be a good chance for an update on how I'm doing. I am excited to be able to wear my dresses again and they fit better than I expected. (Woo HOO!) I haven't weighed myself and don't plan on it until the end of May. Simply going by how clothes fit. As for exercise, I'm walking when I want to or doing resistance bands. There is no pressure to go the gym, but I do feel strange by not going. It's fun to finally have some time to myself and my family. Being out of control with my eating and drinking has done a lot of damage over the past few years. (That's for another time to explain.)
Zero Carb is the only way of eating that has helped me thus far. There is no way I'm turning back now! Now onto to 30 days!

Monday, April 27, 2015

My 11th Day of Zero Carb

Good Afternoon! I'm currently at the 11th of Zero Carb. Which means I eat meat (anything from the animal kingdom) and water. I do not eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc. Only meat. At this point, I also have cut out coffee and alcohol for my 30 day challenge. I'm wasn't that unfamiliar with zero carb to begin with, especially with being involved with various low-carb forums over the years and finally the groups on facebook. I tried zero carb for a couple of weeks, but I know I wasn't fully prepared for it mentally and physically back then. This time around with my age, and being a Mom, I wanted to spend less time shopping, preparing, and cooking food. I wanted to be free from food and alcohol binges. Living in MA, with the tough Winter we barely escaped from somehow put a good solid and unwanted 10lbs. on me. Unfortunately, this time around, the usual slimming tricks were not working. It all had to stop. A little more than 2 weeks ago, I rediscovered Zero Carb through a face group called "Zeroing in On Health". When I found out Charles Washington was involved. I knew it was the real deal. He reminds me of Harvey Walden from Celebrity Fit Club in a way. I haven't told him that, so shhh! Keep it between you and me. The way of eating is very simplistic. Eat meat and drink water. That's all it is. No more counting calories or peeing on Keto strips. I just eat and go about my business. Some days I'm hungry. Other days I'm not. The cravings for carbs are disappearing fast and my energy level is constant never wavering. And finally, I know when I'm hungry and thirsty. It's amazing how vitamins and supplements can disguise the body's natural course with caffeine being the worst culprit. I threw them all into the garbage and walked away. I'd rather not think about the amount of money I've wasted over the next big diet pill, powder, or liquid that only gave me a caffeine buzz. I'm not going to stress about the past and move forward in my zero carb journey. Come on and join with me for the ride! I'll be updating periodically. Stay tuned!